Capture your attendee journey
Survey Solution
Don’t Just Listen,React & Improve
Capture your attendee journey
Survey Solution
Don’t Just Listen,
React & Improve
Collect feedback from your attendees so you can
improve their journey next time
Collect feedback from your attendees so you can improve their journey next time
Survey Builder Tool
MasterBadge allows you to
Innovate through allowing the particpants to answer through online and mobile for their convenience.
Innovate through allowing the particpants to answer through online and mobile for their convenience.
Survey Builder Tool
MasterBadge allows you to
Innovate through allowing the particpants to answer through online and mobile for their convenience.
Innovate through allowing the particpants to answer through online and mobile for their convenience.
Much More3>
50 Seats
for 60 Days
50 Seats
for 60 Days
Fully Functional account.
50 Seats
for 60 Days
50 Seats
for 60 Days
Fully Functional account.
Get in touch
Phone: +974 4447 1666
Fax: +974 4411 4483
Office#6, Al Darwish Engineering,
D Ring Road, Opposite to LuLu Hyper Market Doha – 35120, Qatar