Capture your attendee journey
Mobile Event apps
Connect with your attendees on mobile
Capture your attendee journey
Mobile Event apps
Connect with your
attendees on mobile
Event app Creation – Take Your Event to the Next Level
Create an easy-to-use mobile application to impress & connect with your attendees

Modern Approach To
Attendee Engagement
masterbadge conference app allows you
to Attendees will have a convenient way of
accessing the information regarding your
pre-event , during & after event.
to Attendees will have a convenient way of
accessing the information regarding your
pre-event , during & after event.
Modern Approach To Attendee Engagement
masterbadge conference app allows you
to Attendees will have a convenient way of
accessing the information regarding your
pre-event , during & after event.
to Attendees will have a convenient way of
accessing the information regarding your
pre-event , during & after event.

Features Include3>
Features Include3>
Features Include3>