our Brand Book

Our Brand

01 Brand Overview

02 Backstory

03 Values & Beliefs

04 The Logo

05 Brand Mark

06 Colors

07  Typography

08 Visual Vocabulary

09 Checklist

Typography is the backbone of design

Getting it right is paramount.

Typefaces. Online

When technology allows for it, Visby Round CF should be used in any web applications. The default fallback corporate font is Arial Bold which should be utilised to ensure acceptable degradation when Visby Round CF is unavailable.

Typefaces. Print.

Our Main Typeface is Visby Round CF. This full font family comes in a range of weights to suit a multitude of purposes. It was optimised for print, web, and mobile interfaces, and has excellent legibility characteristics in its letterforms.

Typography. Style.

Text for correspondence and publications should preferably be set in upper and lower-case, and flush left with ragged right. Capitalisation should never be used for body text, but is acceptable for headings.

Visby Round CF - Heavy

Visby Round CF - Extra Light

Visby Round CF - Medium

Arial - Bold